Praise of Love
1 Corinthians 13:1-8
Love is not a gift, but the essential nature for all the gifts. Speaking in tongue of angels, prophecy, knowledge, faith, even self-sacrifice would be nothing if they were not based on love. This love, written here, is the love of God. It is not merely an idea. this love is God Himself, Jesus Christ himself, the Holy Spirit himself. This love is eternal, it is beyond human understanding.
The natures of love described here in 13:4-8 are exactly the opposite natures of sins. This love abides in the holy God, revealed by Jesus Christ.
Read today's verses replacing the word "love" with "Jesus" to understand this love, and with your own name, expecting you would live in love.
Are you disappointed at yourself lacking in such love? Then you are blessed, because you know how you need the love of God, His grace.